Wednesday, January 02, 2008

thanks for the memories, even though they weren't so great

the year in review......woo hoo!

the whole 15 people debate? i fall on the apathetic side. they are fun to read, and serve an important cathartic purpose for the writer. i think that telling people how you feel is such an important part of being an adult. doing so anonymously is therapeutic and sometimes needed. i looked back at my last year's 15 ppl post, and i was pleased to say that most of what i wanted for those people in my life came true, occurred, or changed. how awesome is that? everything that i wished for in the people that were the closest to me actually happened. it isnt very often that we can say that about ourselves. its so encouraging to realize that i made the changes that i wanted to see in my relationships. rock on!

i didnt really expect to have such a great year. perhaps its my completely psychotic tendencies to see only the good and only the bad, but right now, i feel extremely good about the past year. i tend to go balls to the wall in everything i do, and also, make bad choices in general. as a result, i have put myself through some ridiculously painful experiences in my short life. looking back, i had a fantastic year, for me. i cant think of a single major regret. again, i find it important to reiterate how incredibly rare this is for me.

i think one of the reasons that i somehow managed to not make a monumental catastrophe out of my life was this stupid Menieres thing. as much as i ignore the whole "no alcohol or caffeine" rule, having this problem has really made me stop and consider the consequences of my actions more. as depressed as i was when i found out i had the condition, the constant reminder to look before i leap as definitely been a good thing for me.

there were so many highlights to this year......oh wow i cant even imagine listing them all.... i will say this though....growing up is getting kind of fun. :)

i really did sit down and think about what i would say in a 15 people post. to be honest, i have no deep, dark secrets from the past year. pretty much, if i felt something for someone, i told them, straight up. i cant think of anything that i need to anonymously get off my chest. that is such a liberating feeling, not having skeletons in the closet. i have definitely given up a lot of my angtsy emo mindset that pervaded my life since high school. i pretty much like where i am, where im going, and who im taking along on the ride with me. i feel so much more chill about life in general. i dont sweat the small stuff as much, and im definitely seeing the good in others a lot more. something that i noticed about myself this year, this past semester to be more specific, is that i hate people in general a lot less. the people who get on my nerves really arent that annoying. so either im getting more tolerant, or ppl in general are maturing around me. either way, this development is pretty much awesome. and unexpected as well!

such optimism is a rarity for me, so preserving it in a blog is really good. hopefully when i look at this a year from now, i wont disappoint myself.

heres to 2008! don't suck! ;)

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